Tadworth Cricket Club

Tadworth Cricket Club

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TCC history

Our history

Tadworth Cricket Club is over 100 years old, read on for a brief history

1903 was an epic year – many firsts took place.

  • The Wright Brothers made the first powered flight.
  • President Roosevelt sent the first cable message across the Pacific cable.
  • The Panama Canal was constructed.
  • The First Ford Model A produced.
  • Vauxhall Motors was born.

And here at home, Tadworth Cricket Club and Walton Heath Golf Club were formed.

Initially, the club played on a ground 400 yards north of the present ground, somewhere between Workhouse Pond and the large roundabout on the A217. To the north of this site was a public house called the Red Lion, and today this part of the A217 is still known by the locals as Red Lion Hill.

When the club moved to its present site on the common opposite the Duke’s Head Public House is uncertain, but it would appear to be before the First World War. The ‘Green’ was much smaller in those days and was just large enough for a cricket ground, with a marquee being erected every Saturday. Initially the square ran at right angles to its present layout

In 1919 a sum of £200 was raised to commemorate homecoming from the war. A large area was cleared (aided by some very hard stone-picking work by the younger TCC players), ploughed and seeded, to create the spacious ground it is today.

Between the wars a small pavilion was erected very close to the Dorking Road. This was dismantled during the Second World War and stored in a local builder’s yard when the common became a gun site. Later, vehicles and ammunition were stored on the site prior to D-Day. In 1951 the small pavilion was replaced with a much larger one on the other side of the ground. This pavilion served the club for 40 years. Initially it had Calor gas lighting, no bar (!) and no showers. A bar was though created in the late 1960s, electricity was installed in 1978, showers were added in the winter of 1979/80, and the bar was extended three years later

Rachael Heyhoe-Flint opened the enlarged pavilion following a match between an England Ladies XI and Tadworth Cricket Club. This was a heady period for the club – twice we were invited to play at the Oval, and the Club President, Arthur Phebey (formerly of Kent CCC) brought teams to Tadworth who included Derek Underwood, Brian Luckhurst, Mike Denness, Alan Ealham, Steve Marsh, Alec Stewart, John Price and Butch White.

Tragedy struck in November 1990 when the pavilion, along with all the ground equipment and club records, was destroyed by fire. The freehold of the land on which the new pavilion sits was then purchased from the Church Commissioners. Insurance from the old pavilion, together with loans from members, the Surrey Playing Fields Association and local brewers went a long way towards meeting the cost of the new pavilion. Fundraising by members and friends, plus grants from the MCC, the Foundation for Sports and the Arts, and local businesses meant that building could start early in 1992. The new pavilion was used for the first time in June that year, and was officially opened by Alf Gover (formerly of Surrey CCC and England) during Tadworth Village Week the following year.

League cricket came to Tadworth in 1995 when Sussex clubs left the Arun League, leaving just eight Surrey clubs. Five other clubs joined them, including Tadworth, and a new era began. The league enlarged and in 1997 changed its name to the Surrey Downs League. The Club’s position within the league strengthened yearly and in 1999 Tadworth were league champions, and again in 2003. 

In 2025 the First XI joined the inaugural season of the Surrey Cricket Championship, which combines several leagues in Surrey. They'll play in Division 8 East against teams such as Merstham, Salfords, and Woodmansterne.

Tadworth CC honours

We've been fortunate to have some excellent batsmen and bowlers over the years, the season's best can be found below.





C Grierson


E Wilson


C Grierson


C Grierson


C Grierson


I W Waldron


M Lawry


C Grierson


M Lawry


C Stevenson


M B Barrett


M Lawry


M Barrett


G Sewell


R Sciver


C Stevenson


R Indeketiya and T Bennett


M Lawry


K Sweet


C Stevenson


J Button


C Stevenson 


C Stevenson


Stef Sander 


C Stevenson


Stef Sander


S Strachan


C Ovid


C Ovid


W Ireland





























A Baldwin


A Baldwin



C Ovid


T Patel


M Anthony

Senior teams




Surrey Downs League, First Division Champions


Surrey Downs League, First Division Champions

Colts teams




North East and Central Surrey Colts League - U10 Zone B Champions, U10 Overall Champions, U10 Cup Winners


North East and Central Surrey Colts League - U11 Pairs Division1 Champions

U12 Cup Winners


North East and Central Surrey Colts League - U12 Zone B Joint Champions, U12 Cup Winners, U13 Division 1 Champions, U15 Divison 2 Champions

TCC's previous Presidents and Chairmen

TCC have been fortunate to have had some wonderful people as President and Chairman over the years, selflessly giving the club many hours of their time. We're proud to list their names below.





S F Hartman



P J Curran



A Pheby



K Lewis



J Mason



R M Bennett



G J Young



B Chalkly



N Williams







P J Curran



J C Sowerby



C E A Shaw



J A T Ball



D Grassby



J Mason



G Cox



N Botting



N Smith



R M Bennett



C Stevenson



Tadworth CC Committee


Brian Chalky


Craig Stevenson


Chris Hemmings


Mike Wren-Kirkham

Head of Junior Section

Mark Anthony 

Head of Safeguarding

Rachel Carvill


Majid Azam

Minister without portfolio

Simon Harris

Club gallery

A selection of pictures from over the years

Safeguarding and club policies

The safety, security and enjoyment of all who play, watch and work at TCC is paramount. Our policies in these areas can be found in the pages within this section.

Tadworth Cricket Club – Junior Safeguarding policy

 Tadworth Cricket Club is committed to ensuring all Children (i.e. all persons under the age of 18) participating in cricket have a safe and positive experience.

We will do this by:

• Recognising all children participating in cricket (regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability) have the right to have fun and be protected from harm in a safe environment.

• Ensuring all individuals working within cricket at, or for, our club provide a welcoming safe and fun experience for children. All individuals have the responsibility of for safeguarding children and understand how the Safe Hands Policy applies to them. All those that work and volunteer for our club are recruited and appointed in accordance with ECB guidelines and relevant legislation.

• Adopting and implementing the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) “Safe Hands-Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children” and any future versions of this.

• Appointing a Club Safeguarding Officer and ensuring they attend all current and future training modules required by the ECB.

Our club Safeguarding Officer details are below –

Name: Rachael Carvill

Email Address:

Phone Number: 07736 545 844

The Safeguarding Officer is the first point of contact for parents, children and volunteers/staff within the club. The safeguarding Officer acts as a local source of procedural advice for the club, its committee and members and as the main point of contact within the club for the ECB County Safeguarding Officer and the ECB Safeguarding Team and as the main point of contact within the club for relevant external agencies in connection with child safeguarding. The Safeguarding Officer will ensure correct and comprehensive reporting procedures exist for raising and managing child safeguarding concerns.

• Providing an environment where the views of the children, parents and volunteers are sought and welcomed on a range of issues. This will help us create an environment where people have the opportunity to voice any concerns (about abuse/neglect and/or about poor practice) to the Club Safeguarding Officer.

• Ensuring all suspicions, concerns and allegations are taken seriously and dealt with swiftly and appropriately.

• Ensuring access to confidential information relating to child safeguarding matters is restricted to those who need to know in order to safeguard children-including the Club Safeguarding Officer and the appropriate external authorities, such as the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), as specified within the ECB child safeguarding procedures.

Date completed: 21/03/23

Completed by: Rachael Carvill

To be reviewed: March 2024                             

Tadworth Cricket Club inclusion & diversity policy

Tadworth Cricket Club is committed to the principles of equality of opportunity in cricket. We also want to make sure our members, players, those working or volunteering for the club, and those watching the club’s activities, are treated fairly and are able to conduct their activities free from discrimination, harassment or intimidation. 

Tadworth Cricket Club:

  • Will not discriminate, or in any way treat anyone less favourably on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, parental or marital status, pregnancy, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.


  • Will not tolerate harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation of anyone.


  • Will endeavour to create access and opportunities for all those individuals who wish to participate, and are lawfully eligible to participate, in its activities.


  • Will ensure that it complies with the requirements of equality legislation, and will take reasonable steps to ensure its members and volunteers adhere to this policy and any relevant requirements.


  • Is committed to the investigation of any claims, when brought to its attention, of discrimination, harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation of an individual, and reserves the right to impose such sanction as it considers appropriate and proportionate, where any claim is proved.


 Reporting of complaints

  • In the event that any member, volunteer, participant or spectator feels that they have suffered discrimination, harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation, they should report the matter in writing to the Chairman of Tadworth Cricket Club.


  • Any report should include: details of what occurred; when and where the occurrence took place; any witness details and copies of any witness statements.


  • Upon receipt of such report the Chairman (or such other Tadworth Cricket Club Committee Member as the Chairman shall direct (‘Appointee’)


* may decide (at their sole discretion) to uphold or dismiss the complaint without holding a hearing.


* may (at their sole discretion) hold a hearing at which both parties will be entitled to attend and present their case.


* will have the power to impose any one or more of the following sanctions on any person found to be in breach of any policy:


(a) warning as to future conduct

(b) suspend from membership

(c) remove from membership

(d) exclude a non-member from club facilities, either temporarily or permanently; and

(e) turn down a non-member’s current and/or future membership application; and


* will provide both parties with written reasons for the decision.


  • A party may appeal a decision of the Chairman or Appointee to the Surrey County Cricket board by writing to the Board within three months of Tadworth Cricket Club’s decision being notified to that party; and


  • If the nature of the complaint is with regard to the Chairman of Tadworth Cricket Club, the complainant may report the complaint directly to the Surrey County Cricket Board.

Code of conduct for Tadworth Cricket Club members and guests

All members and guests of Tadworth Cricket Club will:

  • Respect the rights, dignity and value of every person within the context of cricket;
  • Treat everyone equally and not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status, religious belief, class or social background, sexual preference or political belief;
  • Not tolerate any form of discrimination;
  • Display high standards of sporting behaviour and adopt the principle of fair play within the game of cricket;
  • Encourage all participants to play within the Laws and Rules of cricket and respect the decisions of match officials;
  • Actively discourage unfair play, rule violations and arguing with match officials;
  • Recognise good performance not just match results;
  • Prioritise the well-being and safety of young people;
  • Respect young people’s opinions when making decisions about their participation in cricket;
  • Not smoke, drink or use banned substances whilst actively working with young people in the Club. Young people are not allowed to smoke or consume alcohol or banned substances of any kind on Club premises or whilst representing the Club;
  • Follow ECB guidelines set out in the “Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children’ and any other relevant guidelines issued; and
  • Report any concerns in relation to the treatment or welfare of a young person with the Club’s Safeguarding


Additionally, all Club Officers and Appointed Volunteers will:

  • Hold relevant qualifications and be covered by appropriate insurance;
  • Always work in an open environment (i.e. avoid private or unobserved situations and encourage an open environment);
  • Know and understand ECB guidelines set out in the “Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children’;
  • Ensure that physical contact is appropriate and necessary and is carried out within recommended guidelines with the young player’s full consent and approval; and
  • Not engage in any form of sexually related contact with a young player. This is strictly forbidden, as is sexual innuendo, flirting or inappropriate terms or gestures. The ECB adopts the Home Office guidelines, which recommend that "people in positions of trust and authority do not have sexual relationships with 16-17 years old in their care".
  • Attend appropriate training to keep up to date with their role and especially with respect to the Safeguarding of young people.

Tadworth Cricket Club Junior player code

At Tadworth Cricket Club we want you to enjoy your cricket and stay safe. To make that happen, always remember:

  • Treat everyone as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take advantage of any player;
  • Do not let others get away with discrimination or bullying;
  • Tell an adult if you have concerns about how you or a team mate is being treated.
  • Pay attention at all training sessions;
  • Wear proper cricket kit for training and matches.
  • Be a good sportsperson – win or lose;
  • Applaud good performances by other players: be a good team player;
  • Never abuse team mates, opponents or umpires;
  • Respect and do not question the umpires’ decisions;
  • Those under the age of 16 are not allowed to smoke on club premises or whilst representing the club;
  • Those under the age of 18 are not allowed to consume alcohol or drugs of any kind one the club premises or whilst representing the club;

The parents’ and good spectators’ guide

Parents and spectators of Tadworth Cricket Club cricket should:

  • Remember young people play cricket for their enjoyment not yours;
  • Acknowledge good individual and team performance from all youngsters irrespective of the team for whom they play;
  • Respect umpires’ decisions. Remember they are volunteers providing an opportunity for Tadworth Cricket Club members to play cricket;
  • Respect the coaches training methods and decisions at matches. Remember they are volunteers providing an opportunity for Tadworth Cricket Club members to play cricket;
  • Never verbally abuse players, umpires, fellow spectators or coaches. Such behaviour can create a negative environment for youngsters and their behaviour will often reflect this;
  • Acknowledge effort and good performance rather than ‘win at all costs’
  • Verbally encourage all youngsters in a positive way; and
  • Encourage all players irrespective of their ability – never ridicule any individual player, regardless of the team for whom they play.

Parents are encouraged to:

  • Be familiar with the coaching and training programme in order that you can ensure that your child is fully involved and the coaches are aware of their availability;
  • Be familiar with the teaching and coaching methods used by observing the sessions in which your child participates.
  • Be realistic about young players’ abilities; do not push them towards a level that they are not capable of achieving;
  • Be aware that the Club has a duty of care and therefore, where appropriate, assist coaches with the supervision of the young players, particularly where numbers are large and there is a need to transport youngsters to away games;
  • Be involved with Club activities and share your expertise; and
  • Share concerns, if you have them, with the Safeguarding Officer

Policy for junior players in adult matches

Tadworth Cricket Club recognises that it has a duty of care towards all young players who are representing it. Where young players are selected to play in adult matches, the Club will not:

  • Place a young player in a position that involves an unreasonable risk to that young player, taking account of the circumstances of the match and relative skills of the player.
  • Create a situation that places members of the opposing side in a position whereby they cannot play cricket as they would normally do against adult players.

In addition, the Club applies the following guidelines for young players in adult matches:

  • The Club will not allow any young player below the Under 13 age group to play in an adult match.
  • Under 13 age group players can play in adult matches if considered by a qualified level 2 coach or above that it is appropriate for their development. If selected, they must be given the opportunity to show their talents in an appropriate way, i.e. not just be used as fielders.
  • Under 13 age group players will need parental consent to play, in order that parents or guardian are aware of the significance of allowing their child to play in adult matches. Players in age groups U14 and above are free to play in adult matches.
  • Every effort must be made to involve the young player in all aspects of the game, and to help them feel comfortable and able to perform.
  • All young players who have not reached their 18th birthday must wear a helmet with a faceguard when batting, acting as a runner or standing up to the stumps when wicket keeping.
  • The current ECB fast bowling and fielding regulations must be adhered to and the Club expects these to be enforced by the umpires and captain; i.e how many overs young bowlers can bowl, and how close to the batsman fielders can field.
  • The Club’s ‘Changing Rooms and Showering Facilities Policy’ must be adhered to.


NB. Junior age groups are determined by the age of the player on the 31st of August preceding the season of play

Changing room policy

These guidelines apply to adults, and children (all those under 18) sharing changing facilities. The following best practice principles have been adopted by Tadworth Cricket Club:

• If children play for adult teams, they, and their parents, must be informed of the club’s policy on changing arrangements.

• If children play for adult teams, the club must have consent from parents that their child(ren) can share a changing room with adults in the club.

• When children play for youth teams, the only adults allowed in the changing room should be youth team staff.

• If children are uncomfortable changing or showering at the club, no pressure should be placed on them to do so. Instead, they can change and shower at home.

• Adults can only change or shower if children are not present within the changing room.

• Mixed gender teams must have access to separate male and female changing rooms.

• Mobile phones must not be used in changing rooms.

• Senior team captains must organise changing times to ensure policy is adhered to


This policy should be displayed in all changing rooms at the club, and will be reviewed periodically.

Transporting children policy

Coaches and managers will be responsible for children in their care when on the club premises or on arrival at opponents’ cricket grounds.

It is not the responsibility of the coach or team manager to transport, or arrange to transport, the children to and from the club or match.

The club must receive permission from parents/carers for children to participate in all competitions and away fixtures/events.

Please collect your child promptly at the end of the training/match. Coaches and managers give their time freely and have other commitments at the end of training/matches so need to be able to make sure that the children are collected safely and promptly.

If you are held up for some unavoidable reason. please let the Coach/Manager know as soon as possible and make alternative arrangements if possible.

If your child is going home with another parent, please ensure that the Manager/Coach knows at the beginning of the session. The Manager/Coach will not be able to let another child leave with someone else without prior knowledge. 

members nameclub role
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